Independent Celebrant?
An Independent Celebrant, unlike a humanist or church minister, is not affiliated to any ‘belief body’. This does not mean that a celebrant will not have their own beliefs but does mean that they are not bound by the strictures of any organisation.
I am a member for the Fellowship of Independent Celebrants which trains, approves and provides standards for Independent Celebrants. The Fellowship ‘supports and fosters diversity within celebrancy, treating all celebrants, families & professional colleagues equally' and ensures that celebrants are trained to the very highest standards.
In Scotland, there are no legal constraints on Independent Celebrants for funerals and naming ceremonies however there are for weddings. The Registrar General for Scotland only accepts registration from people attached to a ‘belief body’. What this means for people having an Independent Celebrant carry out their wedding ceremony is that the signing of the register, as happens in many parts of England and all over Europe, happens before the ceremony in the presence of a registrar. As the couple getting married have to go to the registry office anyway to collect their marriage certificate, the signing can be arranged at the same time and, if in the course of your wedding ceremony you would like ‘signing’ for photographs etc, that can be arranged. The wedding ceremony will include all the vows, reading etc and is not lessened by the pre signing of the marriage certificate